Volunteer Profile: Kris Reiber
Brother Reiber is an alumnus of the Ohio Beta Tau chapter at Baldwin Wallace University. He was a part of the re-founding father class in 2005 that “worked to restructure and refocus the chapter to ensure longevity”. Brother Reiber would later serve as Archon for his chapter.
After his time as an undergraduate, Brother Reiber volunteered his time as a Chapter Advisor, Chapter Advisory Board Member, and Ohio Beta Tau Alumni Association Vice President, and now as a Councilman on the International Executive Council.
Connecting and mentoring the current undergraduate brothers is the most rewarding aspect of these positions claims Brother Reiber. Stating that “Every time I’m able, I head back to recruitment events during our alumni & undergrad event, it gives us a chance to connect with the current brotherhood. One of the potential brothers I spoke with ended up joining because of a conversation I had with him. That brother ended up becoming the VP of Recruitment, and each semester he has two or three potential brothers he’ll ask me to speak to personally. He feels these men would benefit from a conversation with me and will ultimately join our brotherhood. Most have.”
Brother Reiber had this to say about his time as a volunteer “ [To be successful] all you need to do is be the chapter advisor, alumni supporter, or just the brother that you wish you had as an undergrad, and you will be that for one of our brothers.”
If you are interested in volunteering as a Chapter Advisor or Chapter Advisory Board Member, please fill out this form.