September 2022 Chapter News
Check out the latest news shared by Pilam chapters. Featured: Temple, Pace, Frostburg, Florida, UNC Chapel Hill, VA Tech, Indiana, Drexel, RPI, Maryland, Christopher Newport, Bloomsburg, Florida Tech, and Cal Berkeley.
Temple – New house
Gave a guided tour of the new PA Alpha Delta chapter house on Diamond Street. Not bad for North Philly.
Pace – Teaching Diversity 101
No, they’re not teaching students the art of graffiti, they’re inviting people to paint hurtful words on a wall of prejudice which will be smashed.
Frostburg – Colored outside the lines
Hosted a cocoa and colors event where they excelled at coloring, but still struggled with sharing.
Florida – Clean freaks
Have a pet peeve with people who don’t clean up after themselves, so they lent a hand in Gainsville cleaning up the Innovation District.
UNC Chapel Hill – Reunited, and it feels so good
Held a reunion for classes 1965 through 1974. After several Covid postponements, they persisted and finally reunited brothers who had not seen each other in 50 years. Thanks to Tom Ozment for sharing.

Creative Rushing
Virginia Tech – Sick recruitment video
Recruitment tip… enlist film majors. And this is just the trailer for the full length feature.
Indiana – Called in the big sharks
When you have an alumni shark, ask him to throw some chum in the water for prospective members. *Warning adult language*
Drexel – Rush Pilam or swim with the fishes
They’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.
RPI – Appealing to the belly
Rushie want wingy.
Maryland – Bowling their way to growth
“The dude” would approve.
Christopher Newport – Rushing cryptologists?
Had custom rush shirts made that only certain candidates could decipher. An unconfirmed rumor hinted they may be trying to build a brotherhood who can break the cheat codes to Grand Theft Auto.
New Members
Bloomsburg – Stacked ‘em up in rush
Congrats to the Bloomsburg Phi class of new members. 18 strong!
Florida Tech – New member class
Newest members waiting to be pinned.
Cal Berkeley – New Beta Beta class
West coast bringin’ ‘em in.
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