October 2022 Chapter News
Check out the latest news shared by Pilam chapters. Featured: Bloomsburg, VCU, WVU, Buffalo, Pace, Iowa, Temple, RPI, UW Madison, Eastern Washington, Roanoke, and Baldwin Wallace.
Bloomsburg – Parents’ Day
Had their own version of “meet the parents” with Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority.
VCU – Getting crafty
Teamed up with Delta Epsilon Mu to make hand puppets for Crafts for a Cause. Good thing too. Puppetry 101 was totally booked this semester.
WVU – Giving cancer the boot
Held a Kick Out Cancer Kickball Tourney to support a brother whose mother is battling cancer. The chapter set up a GoFundMe Fundraisier for those who would like to contribute.
Buffalo – Taking shots at each other
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the paint of brothers.”
Pace – Super smashing prejudice
Hosted a Super Smash Bros ultimate tournament complete with swag.
Iowa – Sports!
Welcomed new brothers with a friendly sports exhibition.
Temple – Got creamed for Ukraine
Teamed up with the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta to raise money for the Kharkiv foundation.
RPI – Big hearts
Joined forces with Alpha Phi to support women’s heart health.
UW Madison – Chapter high on bids
Reached an all-time high in bids this semester.
Eastern Washington – Class is in
Welcomed their Beta Omega class.
Roanoke – Some new blood
Introducing the Alpha Psi class…
Baldwin Wallace – There’s some new members in town
Wrangled some new buckaroos.
Don’t see your chapter?
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