Hofstra chapter receives charter
On December 3, alumni and undergraduate brothers of the Hofstra chapter were presented their Pi Lambda Phi charter. Congratulations, NY Alpha Tau!
“This charter represents more than mere recognition; it symbolizes our unwavering commitment to the values that bind us together. It signifies our dedication to fostering leadership, nurturing inclusivity, and embracing diversity. It’s a testament to the countless hours of hard work, the countless bonds forged, and the countless lives touched by our collective efforts.”
– Aidan Milanese, Rex
An uphill path to chartering
After colonizing in 2016, the chapter’s founding brothers began working on their chartering checklist. The checklist sets goals for colonies in basic operational areas such as governance, finance, event planning, and risk management.
While the chapter progressed, the pandemic presented an unforeseeable obstacle and a huge setback that stalled progress. To their credit, the brothers persevered through the challenges of Covid and redoubled their efforts.
When they found that colonies did not have voting privileges in the Hofstra IFC to help them recover like the rest of the Greek community, they successfully lobbied to amend the IFC bylaws for equal voting rights.
Their resilience and conscientious efforts to meet the objectives of chartering paid off.
“To our founders, whose vision ignited this flame of brotherhood, to every member past and present who has poured their heart and soul into our fraternity, and to the future generations who will carry our legacy forward — I extend my deepest gratitude.”
– Aidan Milanese, Rex
The Alpha Class – NY Alpha Tau Founding Brothers
Adil Abbas, Michael Amadio, Graham Bellairs, Taylor Bellman, Yash Bisen, Tristan Brady, Natarajan Chidambaram, Eric Ferrante, Thomas Gaffney, Christopher Kuzemka, Jeffrey Lin, Jon-Michael Lordi, Troy Middleton, Thomas Nacinovich, Premier Orion, Abdul Rab, Andrew Schultz, Philip Spatola, James Troici, Benjamin Vimont, Maxwell Whitman, Derek Zhang
A promising brotherhood
The chapter currently has 20 brothers of diverse backgrounds and majors. They are involved in university groups (medical, business, law, gov’t, cultural) and many hold leadership positions.
They are active on campus and supportive other organizations particularly in philanthropy and fundraising.