What is the Purpose of the Foundation?

The Pi Lambda Phi Educational Foundation Ensures the Longevity of Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity by putting your tax-deductible gifts to work in a cost-effective manner.

How does the Foundation Ensure Longevity?

It supports undergraduate brothers by:

  • Paying to send additional delegates to the National Convention and to regional conclaves.
  • Providing state of the art online training through Pi Lambda Phi University.
  • Making in-person visits by professional staff possible.
  • Providing scholarships.

The Educational Foundation supports Alumni engagement by keeping Pilams informed and connected to each other, to Pi Lambda Phi and to their chapters by:

  • Making the eFrater, our digital national periodical, possible.
  • Supporting the Pi Lambda Phi website, which links alumni to the online directory, the websites of their chapters and chapter alumni associations and to the rapidly growing Pi Lambda Phi LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube sites.

The Educational Foundation promotes the values of our founders and the Creed, making sure we continue to stand for the ideals that make Pi Lambda Phi unique and relevant. One way we ensure this, is through our support and engagement with the Elimination of Prejudice™ Foundation.

Will My Donation be Managed Well?

The Educational foundation is staffed entirely by volunteers. The full amount of all donations is put to work to fund programs. Every program is assessed annually. If it isn’t working in an effective and efficient manner, it is tweaked. If it still isn’t working, it is dropped and replaced.

The Pilam Educational Foundation recently earned a Candid Gold Seal of Transparency! You can check out our nonprofit profile here. (You may need to create a free profile to see the entire profile.)

You can support our Brothers with confidence.

The Pilam Educational Foundation recently earned a Candid Gold Seal of Transparency! You can check out our nonprofit profile here. (You may need to create a free profile to see the entire profile.)

What’s in It For Me?

The short answer: You make sure others can have the same life-changing opportunities you experienced!

What does, “Not just Four Years, but a Lifetime,” mean to you? Chances are Pi Lambda Phi was one of your first tastes of significant responsibility, an early exposure to a diverse community, a reason to reflect on the meaning of deep and enduring principles. You were probably shaped by this experience, benefited from it and formed friendships that have lasted your entire adult life. Your annual gift to the Educational Foundation helps assure that another generation of undergraduate brothers will have the same opportunities from which you have benefited. It also helps you reconnect with lost brothers, keep in touch with others and form new friendships.

Your annual tax-deductible gift means that Pi Lambda Phi lives not only in our hearts but on college campuses and in operating rooms, business board rooms, halls of government, NBA home courts and Major League stadiums and everywhere alumni brothers are making a vital contribution to their communities and our world.