
Check out the latest news from: Shippensburg, Cal Berkeley, VCU, Temple, Bloomsburg, Adelphi, FSU, St. John’s, Indiana, Hofstra, East Carolina, Western Carolina, Roanoke and Iowa. IHQ - Caught the Cubs at Wrigley ⚾ Hosted an alumni weekend in Chi-town with alumni from Illinois, Florida, NC State, Vincennes, Baldwin...

Entrepreneur and minority owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban (Pitt), joined Jon Stewart on The Daily Show to discuss disrupting the healthcare industry as co-founder of Cost Plus Drug Company. They also talked about Silicon Valley, the prospects of artificial intelligence, and Cuban's...

Check out the latest news from: Bloomsburg, FSU, Shippensburg, Drexel, Western Carolina, St. John’s, VCU, East Carolina, and Iowa. Bloomsburg - They mean business Ten brothers scored summer Internships. FSU - Life in the frat lane 🏁 Dropped the green flag on Rush. Shippensburg - Summer vacay Shared their summer activities:...