Author: Shawn Mahoney

Check out some of the latest news shared by Pilam chapters on social media. Featured: WVU, Bloomsburg, Adelphi, Baldwin Wallace, Ohio State, Grand Valley, UW Madison, Cincinnati, East Carolina, Roanoke, and VCU.  But wait, there’s more. See all the chapters who posted about attending the 2022...

Tony Beck is the son of George Beck, our long-time Executive Director. He is also his brother, joining Pilam and graduating from Roanoake College in 1972. In honor of George's 100th birthday anniversary, he wrote this letter. When I started putting pen to paper for...

In 2021, your generous support ensured the growth of Pi Lambda Phi and the education of our undergraduate members. 2021 was a record-breaking year for contributions! Thank you! Some of the benefits to the brotherhood $32,000 in scholarships were awarded to 26 brothers from 17 chapters.$20,000 was...