Chapter Locator


AL Alpha Eta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1927 - Inactive: 1940

AL Alpha Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1986 - Inactive: 1990


CA Alpha Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2016 - Inactive: 2023

CA Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1920 - Inactive: 1950

CA Tau

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1922

CA Tau Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1988 - Inactive: 2023

CA Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1922 - Inactive: 1969


CN Eta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1921 - Inactive: 2003

CN Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1922 - Inactive: 1989

CN Kappa Iota

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1945 - Inactive: 2003

CN Kappa Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1987 - Inactive: 2017


CO Alpha Beta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1926 - Inactive: 1967

CO Alpha Iota

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1929 - Inactive: 1963


CT Alpha Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1966 - Inactive: 1969

CT Delta Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1968 - Inactive: 1971

CT Iota

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1895 - Inactive: 1932

CT Tau Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1968 - Inactive: 1975


DE Delta Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1993 - Inactive: 1994


FL Beta Delta

Florida International University
Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 2024

FL Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1925 - Inactive: 2023

FL Delta Tau

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1971 - Inactive: 1975

FL Delta Upsilon

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1992

FL Delta Upsilon Alumni Association

Florida Institute of Technology
Chapter Type: Alumni Association    Founded: 2017

FL Epsilon Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1996 - Inactive: 2000

FL Epsilon Eta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1997 - Inactive: 2002

FL Epsilon Lambda

Florida State University
Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1996

FL Kappa Epsilon

Florida Atlantic University
Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1987 - Inactive: 2002

FL Omega Eta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1946 - Inactive: 1963


IA Alpha Phi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2016 - Inactive: 2017

IA Phi

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1927

IA Psi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1925 - Inactive: 1930


IL Omicron

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1919 - Inactive: 1949

IL Tau Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1934 - Inactive: 2016


IN Alpha Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1958 - Inactive: 2017

IN Alpha Theta

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1928

IN Epsilon Gamma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1996 - Inactive: 2020

IN Epsilon Iota

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2002 - Inactive: 2022


KY Beta Sigma Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1949 - Inactive: 1953


MA Alpha Epsilon

University of Massachusetts at Lowell
Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1949 - Inactive: 1986

MA Delta Epsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1896 - Inactive: 1900

MA Kappa Nu

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1967 - Inactive: 2002

MA Kappa Theta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1986 - Inactive: 1996

MA Rho

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1922 - Inactive: 1932

MA Theta

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1897

MA Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1927 - Inactive: 1931


Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1924 - Inactive: 1931


MD Alpha Omicron

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1993

MD Chi Mu

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1992 - Inactive: 1994

MD Kappa Delta

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1986

MD Pi Phi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1985 - Inactive: 2015

MD Rho

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1925 - Inactive: 1980


ME Beta Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1959 - Inactive: 1984

ME Kappa Beta

Ricker College
Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1970 - Inactive: 1976


MI Alpha Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1997 - Inactive: 2000

MI Alpha Omega

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1986 - Inactive: 2019

MI Beta Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2020 - Inactive: 2022

MI Delta Beta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1989 - Inactive: 2018

MI Epsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1913 - Inactive: 2013

MI Mu Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1984 - Inactive: 1994


MN Kappa Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1991 - Inactive: 2017

MN Rho

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1925 - Inactive: 1930



Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1921 - Inactive: 1971

North Carolina

NC Delta Zeta

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1972

NC Epsilon Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1997 - Inactive: 2016

NC Omega Beta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1940 - Inactive: 2022

NC Omega Tau

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1996 - Inactive: 2003

NC Omega Zeta

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1978

NC Zeta Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1983 - Inactive: 2002


NE Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1929 - Inactive: 1952

New Hampshire


Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1924 - Inactive: 1971

New Jersey

NJ Alpha Lambda

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1961 - Inactive: 2020

NJ Beta Theta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1935 - Inactive: 1983

NJ Omicron Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1991 - Inactive: 1993

NJ Theta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1916 - Inactive: 1996

New Mexico

NM Sigma Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1969 - Inactive: 1972

New York

NY Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1896 - Inactive: 1964

NY Alpha Mu

Lehman College
Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1967 - Inactive: 1970

NY Alpha Pi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2014 - Inactive: 2023

NY Alpha Rho

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 2015

NY Alpha Tau

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 2016

NY Beta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1896 - Inactive: 1971

NY Beta Beta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1918 - Inactive: 1935

NY Beta Lambda

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1949 - Inactive: 1993

NY Beta Omicron

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1968

NY Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1911 - Inactive: 1976

NY Delta Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1919 - Inactive: 1934

NY Delta Epsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1967 - Inactive: 1999

NY Eta Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1968 - Inactive: 1975

NY Gamma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1896 - Inactive: 1973

NY Iota Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1991 - Inactive: 1993

NY Kappa Alpha

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1985 - Inactive: 2005

NY Kappa Gamma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1986 - Inactive: 2001

NY Kappa Tau

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1954

NY Lambda Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1967 - Inactive: 1971

NY Omega Epsilon

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1943

NY Omega Mu

New York University at Washington Square
Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1951 - Inactive: 1966

NY Omicron Rho

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1990 - Inactive: 2019

NY Phi Lambda

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1963

NY Sigma Tau

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1958 - Inactive: 1973


Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1897 - Inactive: 1900


OH Alpha Epsilon

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1927

OH Beta Sigma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1948 - Inactive: 1971

OH Beta Tau

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1948

OH Beta Tau Alumni Assocation

Baldwin Wallace University
Chapter Type: Alumni Association    Founded: 2007


Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1920


OK Iota

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1922 - Inactive: 1963


PA Alpha Delta

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1927

PA Alpha Gamma

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 2012

PA Alpha Xi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1984 - Inactive: 1988

PA Beta Gamma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1988 - Inactive: 2019

PA Beta Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1982 - Inactive: 2005

PA Beta Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1922 - Inactive: 1996

PA Delta Iota

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1965

PA Delta Phi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1989 - Inactive: 1998

PA Epsilon Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1896 - Inactive: 2019

PA Gamma Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1968 - Inactive: 1977

PA Gamma Psi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1994 - Inactive: 2013

PA Gamma Sigma

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1914

PA Gamma Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1991 - Inactive: 1993

PA Kappa Eta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1987 - Inactive: 2016

PA Kappa Omega

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1988 - Inactive: 1995

PA Lambda

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1915

PA Omega Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1971 - Inactive: 2005

PA Omega Gamma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1942 - Inactive: 2022

PA Omega Kappa

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1948 - Inactive: 1981

PA Phi Delta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1968 - Inactive: 1988

PA Phi Sigma

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1969

PA Sigma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1940 - Inactive: 1983

PA Sigma Upsilon

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1984

PA Tau Omega

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1947 - Inactive: 1999

Rhode Island

RI Gamma Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1970 - Inactive: 1974

RI Phi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1929 - Inactive: 1963

South Carolina

SC Alpha Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1928 - Inactive: 1950


TX Alpha Mu

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1993 - Inactive: 1994

TX Alpha Omega

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1972 - Inactive: 1978

TX Alpha Sigma

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1969 - Inactive: 1973

TX Lambda

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1994 - Inactive: 2003


VA Alpha Psi

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1992

VA Delta Chi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1991 - Inactive: 2018

VA Lambda Kappa

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1959

VA Omega Alpha

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1932

VA Omega Rho

Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1984

VA Omicron Zeta

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1984 - Inactive: 2023

VA Psi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 1929 - Inactive: 2003

VA Theta Xi

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2009 - Inactive: 2019


WA Epsilon Alpha

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1995


WI Alpha Nu

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2012 - Inactive: 2016

WI Chi Upsilon

Chapter Type: Inactive Chapter    Founded: 2011 - Inactive: 2019

WI Omega

Chapter Type: Chapter    Founded: 1926

West Virginia


Chapter Type: Colony    Founded: 1922